Unveiling the Experiences of Parents of Children with ASD: Parental Stress

Unveiling the Experiences of Parents of Children with ASD: Parental Stress

Purpose of our project

Many research have found that parents of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tend to experience relatively higher levels of stress as compared to parents of typical developing children. Majority of these studies conducted focused on investigating child-related factors (e.g the severity of behavioural issues, comorbidities, sensory issues) and its impact on their caregivers and family. However, there is limited knowledge on how parent-related factors such as coping strategies, social support, personalities and beliefs affect parenting experience of families in Singapore.

This research study aims to explore parental experience and perceived stress levels of raising a child diagnosed with ASD in Singapore. Your participation will help us better understand the factors that influence your parenting experience. This study may also lead to future improvements of healthcare services to support children with ASD and their caregivers.